
Vitalik has held a seat on the Ethereum Foundation's three-person board since 2017

On February 19th, according to Vitalik Buterin's response, the claim that he holds 3/5 of the seats on the board of the Ethereum Foundation (EF) is not accurate. He clarified that since 2017, he only has one seat on the three-person board. The response was in response to Ameen Soleimani's discussion on social media that Vitalik's role in the Ethereum ecosystem is closer to "king" or "prophet", with a majority of voters believing that he prefers the latter.

2025-02-19 17:22:25

2月19日消息,据Vitalik Buterin回应,关于他在以太坊基金会(EF)董事会中占据3/5席位的说法并不准确。他澄清称,自2017年以来,他仅在三人董事会中拥有一个席位。这一回应是针对Ameen Soleimani在社交媒体上的讨论,即Vitalik在以太坊生态中的角色更接近“国王”还是“先知”,其中多数投票者认为他更倾向于后者。

2025-02-19 17:22:25
Vitalik: The short-term L1 expansion that can be achieved in the next 1-2 years is valuable

On February 14th, Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, published the latest article "Reasons why the L1 gas limit needs to be raised even in the L2-dominated Ethereum". The article states that an important recent discussion in the Ethereum roadmap is the question of how to increase the L1 gas cap. Recently, the L1 gas cap was increased from 30 million to 36 million, with a 20% increase in capacity. Many support further significant increases in the near future...

2025-02-14 20:50:49
Vitalik:未来 1-2 年内可以实现的短期 L1 扩展是有价值的

2月14日消息,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin发布最新文章《即使在L2主导的以太坊中,也需要提高L1 Gas限制的原因》。文章表示,以太坊路线图中的一个重要近期讨论是关于如何增加L1 gas上限的问题。最近,L1 gas上限从3000万增加到3600万,容量增加了20%。许多人支持在不久的将来进一步大幅增...

2025-02-14 20:50:49
Vitalik: Railgun privacy pool mechanism filters illegal funds without monitoring or backdoors

On February 13, Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, said in a social media post that the Railgun privacy pool mechanism allows Railgun to avoid processing criminal proceeds without any monitoring or backdoors. The operation is as follows: Anyone can make a deposit with Railgun. After making a deposit, there will be a 1-hour testing period, during which each...

2025-02-13 19:20:54

2月13日消息,以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在社交媒体发文表示,Railgun 隐私池机制可使 Railgun 在无需任何监控或后门的情况下,避免处理犯罪所得资金。运行方式如下: · 任何人 都可以向 Railgun 进行存款。 · 存款后,会有 1 小时的检测期,期间各...

2025-02-13 19:20:54
Vitalik Transfers 70,000 USDC to Privacy Protocol Railgun

According to Onchain Lens, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin transferred 70,000 USDC to the privacy protocol Railgun.

2025-02-10 22:26:09

据 Onchain Lens 监测,以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 向隐私协议 Railgun 转入 7 万枚 USDC。

2025-02-10 22:26:09
以太坊 L1 区块 Gas 上限提升至 36M

Vitalik Buterin 转发技术更新显示,以太坊 L1 完成区块 Gas 上限动态调整,从 30M 提升至 36M。该调整由验证者共识推动,目前已有 49.5% 的验证者采用新参数。此次升级使 L1 网络交易处理能力提升 20%,预计可降低 10% 至 30% 的交易费用。

2025-02-08 22:56:00

2月7日消息,Vitalik Buterin在社交媒体上发文表示,若苹果(Apple)公开承诺在无法避免破坏加密的情况下退出英国市场,他将更加尊重苹果。他强调,若苹果采取此举,他将额外购买并使用一款苹果设备(目前仅拥有AirPods)。 此前有报道称,英国政府要求苹果创建后门,允许安全机构访问全球用户的加密iCloud备份,并禁止苹果通知用户其数据安全受损...

2025-02-07 20:51:13
Vitalik: Frustrated with the current state of PvP-style gaming in the crypto space

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, wrote that he felt uncomfortable when crypto tweets and venture capital firms believed that "PvP-style gaming projects that make most users lose money" were the best form of product in the crypto space, and the pursuit of better products was accused of "condescending and elitism". Although these remarks sometimes make him back down, whenever this happens, he can take a cue from the world and remind himself that he is fighting for something of value.

2025-02-07 12:25:26

以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin发文表示,当加密推特和风投公司认为"让大多数用户亏损的PvP式博弈项目"是加密领域最佳的产品形态,而追求更好的产品反被指责为"居高临下和精英主义"时,这让他感到不适。尽管这些言论有时会让他产生退意,但每当这种情况发生时,他都能从世界得到启示,提醒自己正在为有价值的事物而战。

2025-02-07 12:25:26
Vitalik:对于加密领域以 PvP 式博弈为主的现状表示担忧

2月7日消息,以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 发文表示,当加密推特和风投公司认为"让大多数用户亏损的 PvP 式博弈项目"是加密领域最佳的产品形态,而追求更好的产品反被指责为"居高临下和精英主义"时,这让他感到不适。尽管这些言论有时会让他产生退意,但每当这种情况发生时,他都能从世界得到启示,提醒自己正在为有价值的事物而战。

2025-02-07 12:25:25
Vitalik: The values of 2013 are right, democracy exists to prevent the worst from happening

On February 6, Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, wrote in X that the values of the 2013 era were correct, including support for free speech, entrepreneurship and innovation, opposition to monopoly and supplier lock-in, support for democratic institutions, opposition to greed, and opposition to national security through oppression. In response to the suspicion that democratic institutions can lead to populism, Vitalik said that democratic institutions do not exist to create the best outcom...

2025-02-06 12:22:00

2月6日消息,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin在X发文称,2013年时代的价值观是正确的,包括支持言论自由、创业创新、反对垄断和供应商锁定、支持民主制度、反对贪婪以及反对通过压迫实现国家安全等。 针对民主制度可能导致民粹主义的质疑,Vitalik表示,民主制度的存在不是为了创造最优结果,而是为了防止最坏结果的发生。虽然民主和非民主制度都可能走向不...

2025-02-06 12:22:00